Our vision is to take deliberate steps to go out of our way to reach lost souls where they are. ‘Meeting by the Well’ involves a combination of worship sessions, sharing of personal experiences and redeeming testimonies. Our events take two forms;

1. 'Monthly meetings' in various people’s homes which helps build and sustain healthy relationships.

We believe 'Let's come over to your house is a much easier invitation than 'come with me to church'. So, modelling the Samaritan woman who went about bringing people to come and see a Man (Jesus) that told her all she ever did, the hosts of these meetings are encouraged to invite friends, family and neighbors, both saved and the unsaved, to come together to socialise and listen to life changing testimonies while being entertained with selected foods from various cultures.


2. Quarterly meetings where everybody that attended our monthly meetings are encouraged to invite people as we all come together in a central place for a general worship experience and an opportunity to hear other people's testimonies.

Ruky Obahor


We also host a special event for youth which takes place in every August every year because one of our greatest passions is too see our youths avoid falling into the same well we did

At our meetings, people are given the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. Christians that have attended our meetings and are being transformed are encouraged to engage and invite non-Christians within their sphere of influence to their homes for the smaller sessions.

Our events are not just for women, being that the Samaritan woman ran to call the men in her community (John 4:28 NKJV).

Please click here for our upcoming events. Also, if you would like to host one of our events, please let us know by completing this simple form and somebody would get back to you as soon as possible.